Monday, September 7, 2015

Our "Pony Express" Morning Message

Our third week of school begins tomorrow!  Yikes!  Our "Pony Express" message for the first few weeks of school is about my students' names.  After all, for most of them, that is the first word they learn to read. I begin by choosing a name from my name can.  I write the name on the chart as the students write on their "hand slates".  A "hand slate" is just their index finger on their palm.  Next, I write the beginning letter of his/her name.  If anyone else in the class has the same letter in their name, we write it on the chart.  In this case, no one had the letter "v".  Then, we clap the name and write the number of syllables on the line.  In this example, I wrote the student's name on a pink name strip and cut it apart.  The selected student assembles his/her name and glues it to the chart.  We circle the vowels and count the vowels and consonants.  I ask them their age.  We write their response in a complete sentence and I ask their favorite color.  We also write that in a complete sentence.  Finally, we get to "Happy Talk".  I ask the class to compliment the selected student.  We have talked about the definition of a compliment.  And, I record their responses.  Finally, I call out selected sounds and the student circles that letter. The entire process takes about 15-20 minutes. I am not taking credit for this idea...I've been to sooooo many conferences and read sooooo many blogs in the years that I have taught, I just can't remember where I got this idea!


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  24. Are you looking for an engaging and fun way to kick off the school day with your first-week students? The "Pony Express" morning message is the perfect solution! In just 15-20 minutes, this activity involves learning names, assembling names, and recording responses in a creative and interactive way.
    First, start by saying each student's name with enthusiasm, encouraging them to repeat it. Then, have students assemble their names using letter cards or magnetic letters, making it a fantastic opportunity to improve fine motor skills. While assembling their names, students can also count the syllables in their names, reinforcing phonological awareness.
    To make it even more exciting, incorporate a "sound highlighter" by emphasizing a specific sound in each name. For example, if the sound of the week is "ch," have students clap or stomp their feet whenever they hear that sound in their name.
    The "Pony Express" morning message is not only a great way to start the day with energy but also a valuable tool for building a sense of community in your classroom. It's the best way to get your first-week students actively engaged and excited to learn!
    If you're looking for the best global assignment help UK, consider the creative approach of the "Pony Express" morning message and watch your students thrive.

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