Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tots and Technology

Well, I just got back from the conference in Galveston.  I AM TIRED!  I couldn't sleep. UGH!  My husband (who COULD sleep) and two of my three kids came along to keep me company.  We stayed at a friend's bay house.  It was wonderful.
The convention center had TERRIBLE internet service...(really? It's a technology conference) however, thanks to Verizon and AT&T air cards, the presenters could continue.
My favorite presenter was Lisa Johnson. She has a site with LOTS of iPad apps, including reviews.  I have two classroom iPads.  One iPad was given to me by a friend, the other, I earned by attending the district's technology training.
Some interesting apps were Wunder Map, Painting with Time and Futaba.  With Futaba, four students can use the iPad at one time.  It's in a game format. 
I'll be checking out lots of these apps after vacation.  We leave Saturday for Florida! Yippee!


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Tots and Technology in Galveston

I'm attending Tots and Technology in Galveston.  The conference is Monday and Tuesday, but I'm leaving tomorrow to have some time to soak up the sun!  I LOVE the beach!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Favorite Things

I decided to link up with Sharing Kindergarten's Linky Party! 
 I have nothing else to do because Whoot Whoot!!!  
It's summer ya'll!
So.....my favorites are.....

I am MAJORLY addicted to my vanilla latte from Starbucks!!  Not good!

I LOVE sonic cokes!!!

I LOVE to read all of the time!  I read A LOT during the summer!!!!  Right now I am re-reading this because I am going to be implementing this in my kindergarten room next year!!!  I also read The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller while at the beach!  

This is my FAVORITE place to read!!!!  

This is my favorite summer show!!  

And....of course, I love ALL things apple!!!  I love my iPhone, my iPad, and my Mac!!!!
I know this is favorite "things" not people and places but...this is my favorite summer vacay spot with my two favorite little men!!!! 
This is my favorite summer past-time!  I love watching this little guy play baseball!!!